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Oggi (12 marzo, mercoledм)
Tennis. WTA. Indian Wells. Doubles Mihalikova (D) / Nicholls (D) – Kalinskaya (D) / McNally (D)
4:50 (WTA. Indian Wells. Doubles)
Tennis. WTA. Indian Wells. Doubles Shuvey (D) / Zhang (D) – Ostapenko (D) / Perez (D)
5:00 (WTA. Indian Wells. Doubles)
Tennis. ATP. Indian Wells. Doubles Glasspool / Cash – Smith / Romboli
6:30 (ATP. Indian Wells. Doubles)
Tennis. ATP. Indian Wells Tommy Paul – Daniil Medvedev
6:55 (ATP. Indian Wells)
Pallacanestro. Nuova Zelanda. NBL Hawke-Bay Hawke – Indian Panthers
7:00 (Nuova Zelanda. NBL)
Pallavolo. Kazakistan. Donne. Vysshaya Liga Taraz (W) – Aisultan (W)
7:00 (Vysshaya Liga)
Tennis. WTA. Indian Wells Qinwen Zheng (D) – Marta Kostyuk (D)
7:00 (WTA. Indian Wells)
Tennis. ATP. Indian Wells. Doubles Ebden / Peers – King / Harrison
7:35 (ATP. Indian Wells. Doubles)
Hockey su ghiaccio. Russia. VHL Omskiye Kryliya – AKM
9:00 (Russia. VHL)
Calcio. Australia. A-League Melbourne City – Newcastle Jets
10:00 (Australia. A-League)
Hockey su ghiaccio. Russia. VHL Magnitka – Norilsk
10:00 (Russia. VHL)
Cricket. Torneo amichevole Titans – Warriors
10:00 (Torneo amichevole)
Calcio. Filippine. PFL Taguig – Loyola
10:00 (Filippine. PFL)
Bandy. Campionato del mondo B Svizzera – Slovacchia
10:00 (Campionato del mondo B)
Pallavolo. Kazakistan. Donne. Lega Nazionale Karaganda (D) – Aktobe (D)
10:00 (Lega Nazionale)
Pallacanestro. Australia. NBL Melbourne United – The Hawks
10:30 (Australia. NBL)
Tennis. ATP Challenger. Hersonissos 2 Stefanos Sakellaridis – Christoph Negritu
10:30 (ATP Challenger. Hersonissos 2)
Tennis. ATP Challenger. Hersonissos 2 Federico Cina – Khumoun Sultanov
10:30 (ATP Challenger. Hersonissos 2)
Calcio. Bangladesh. Championship League Uttar Baridhara – Farashganj
10:45 (Championship League)
Hockey su ghiaccio. Russia. MHL Taifun – SKA-Carelia
11:00 (Russia. MHL)
Tutte le dirette -      

Calcio Calcio    

Come guardare i Vaalerenga – Sarpsborg 08

  Norvegia. Eliteserien. Inizio il 16 aprile 2023 а 19:15.
This broadcast is archived. You will find upcoming broadcasts here

Risultato – 0:2 (0:0).



1 X 2 Under 2.5 Over 2.5
137.18 20.48 0 1.15 4.9
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Legge l'istruzione
Vaalerenga Sarpsborg 08
Informazioni sulla partita:
21. Magnus Smelhus (G)
07. Fredrik Oldrup Jensen
23. Henrik Heggheim
08. Henrik Roervik
05. Leonard Zuta
10. Mohamed Ofkir
15. Odin Thiago Holm
24. Petter Strand
04. Stefan Strandberg
09. Torgeir Boerven
06. Vegar Eggen Hedenstad
21. Anders Kristiansen (G)
90. Christopher Bonsu
04. Bjoern Inge Utvik
17. Joachim Soltvedt
25. Mikkel Maigaard
20. Peter Reinhardsen
10. Ramon-Pascal
11. Simon Tibbling
15. Steffen Lie Skaalevik
31. Anton Skipper
29. Victor Torp
Kristian Fardal Opseth   '60
Kristian Fardal Opseth   '81

Classifica Norvegia. Eliteserien.
Tutte le classifiche     Calendario e risultati
    G V N S Gf/Gs P.ti
1 Bodoe/Glimt 30 22 4 4 78 / 38 70
2 Brann 30 19 4 7 55 / 35 61
3 Tromsoe 30 19 4 7 48 / 33 61
4 Viking 30 18 4 8 61 / 48 58
5 Molde 30 15 6 9 65 / 39 51
6 Lillestroem 30 13 4 13 49 / 49 43
7 Stroemsgodset 30 13 3 14 37 / 35 42
8 Sarpsborg 08 30 12 5 13 55 / 52 41
9 Rosenborg 30 11 6 13 46 / 50 39
10 Odd 30 10 8 12 42 / 44 38
11 HamKam 30 10 4 16 39 / 59 34
12 Haugesund 30 9 6 15 34 / 40 33
13 Sandefjord 30 8 7 15 47 / 55 31
14 Vaalerenga 30 7 8 15 39 / 50 29
15 Stabaek 30 7 8 15 30 / 48 29
16 Aalesund 30 5 3 22 23 / 73 18

which time zone is used when they say a match in la liga begins?
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